Many adults and children still falsely believe that the breastmilk of a cow is somehow essential for their survival. A simple use of common sense will tell them that nature never intended us to drink the milk of a cow which is why our own mothers lactate and that when our own human mother’s stop lactating is when we need to stop drinking milk which is essentially infant growth fluid and therefore not needed or beneficial to anyone after infancy and yet, these dairy industry giants have somehow managed to convince the world that they need to switch to the break milk of a cow the moment their own mothers stop lactating and so convincing is their advertising that they have gotten nearly eight billion people on the planet to believe them. It is the same case with the advertising done by fast food giants like McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken who somehow through their advertising manage to convince young people that eating their chemical based nutritionally deficient food is healthy and alright for the body but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the world around us is sick and diseased as a result of the terrible diets that we are on but doctors and other specialists will rarely tell you the real cause of your constant allergies and other problems.
The importance of an immediate change of diet
One of the main reasons that we continue to eat the junk food available at McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken is because we do not have the time in our lives to cook our own meals and spend time in the kitchen but fortunately because of the spread of veganism and gluten free diets there are now various gluten free dairy free meal delivery options available to you. At present, these options might cost a little more than your average big mac but when you compare it to the cost of all the medical bills you will have in the future, they are indeed worth it.
As veganism and plant based eating is the fastest growing lifestyle the world has ever seen, there are also various companies now offering vegan delivery services which will cost a lot less that other options because many of these service providers are also vegan activists themselves working to help animals and spread the word.
A little bit of quick research online will also give you various recipes that are quick to make and very cheap to buy ingredients for that are extremely healthy and delicious too.